Like many people, I’ve been a fan of Friends for years. I’ve also been a fan of television memorabilia and getting a peek at the sets. When I went to Jamestown, New York, there was a recreation of the set of I Love Lucy. Looking at made me feel like I was really back in the 1950s at Desilu watching a taping of my favorite television show ever. When I went to the Friends Experience in New York City, I felt the same way. It was so much fun and I recommend it to every Friends fan out there. If you are in New York City, Toronto, San Francisco, or Paris, get your tickets. You won’t be disappointed.

Every main set from the show is represented: each apartment, the hallway, the outside couch and fountain and of course Central Perk. You will see so much of the real memorabilia, including wardrobes, scripts, the famous leather pants, the turkey Monica put on her head, the famous letter from Rachel to Ross, Hugsie! and so much more.
It’s very interactive too. You can stand in and do the ‘pivot’ yell!, you can poke the Ugley Naked Guy and sit on the couch in Monica’s Apartment, as well as the Barca loungers in the boys’ apartment and the couch at Central Perk. And could you be wearing any more clothes? You can stand in for Joey. LOL That was one of my favorite shots. The workers will also take your photos in several key spots during the tour.

The good news is that even though you buy your ticket for a certain time, you can spend as much time as you want there. It’s self-paced. There are two bathrooms if you need them. The tour ends in Central Perk where you can buy a snack and a coffee if you want. I was seriously disappointed with the coffee. Move on to your last spot — the souvenir stand. By the way, it took me everything I had to not buy my own Hugsie stuffed animal.
I almost caved. LOL
If You Go!
Oh. My. Gawd! The FRIENDS™ Experience: The One In New York City is located at 130 E 23rd St (corner of 23rd St and Lexington Ave). Tickets start at $44.50. (I’ll be putting more photos on my Instagram so check that out and let me know if you go!