Welcome to the first edition of Reel Food, a new feature here at Reel Travels. This is the section where we are going to pick a recipe from all those cookbooks — like The Bob’s Burgers Burger Book: Real Recipes for Joke Burgers — that are based on television shows or movies and there are a lot — try it and let you know what we think!
Putting together pop culture and food isn’t something new. In my book, On Location: A Film and TV Lover’s Travel Guide, I share information on restaurants like Beetle House in New York City, which pays homage to Tim Burton’s creative genius, and Kansas City Barbecue in San Diego, which was home to Top Gun’s famous scenes.
Authors then took it a step further and started writing entire cookbooks inspired by television shows and movies, such as Friends, The Sopranos, Little House on the Prarie, Harry Potter, and more. A few months ago, I wrote this post about some of these books. So much fun!
It’s a great idea to pick a cookbook, make some of the recipes, invite your friends over and watch that movie or television show together while eating great food (hopefully).
Welcome to the good burger…wait….
So the first cookbook we chose to kick off this fun project is The Bob’s Burgers Burger Book: Real Recipes for Joke Burgers by Loren Bouchard (2016). You can still order the book. I provided that link to Oblong Books in Rhinebeck, New York — support independent bookstores!

First things first — It’s full disclosure that I have not seen one episode of Bob’s Burgers, an adult animated sitcom also created by Bouchard. My son, however, has seen them all and owns this cookbook. So he wanted to pick out a few recipes for me to try. I decided on the Sweet Home Avocado Burger (the recipe is to the left).
Now when it comes to hamburgers — which I love — I’m pretty much a traditionalist — sauteed onions and cheese are my staples. When I was in Las Vegas I stopped by Guy Fieri’s Vegas Kitchen for a taste of bacon and mac and cheese on top of a hamburger. It was very unique to me — I know, I know, but I loved it!
So I’m open to trying new things (sometimes). I’ve had avocado and tomato on hamburgers but never mixed like this with honey and lime.

The Bob’s Burger recipe calls for a mix of avocado, tomato, lime, honey, and sauteed onion and a little salt and paper on top of the burger. Look at it on the right, yum!. The recipe also suggested marinating the hamburger meat with a bit of lime juice.
OMG I loved The Bob’s Burger’s Sweet Home Avocado Burger recipe. As a matter of fact, it fast became one of my favorite hamburger toppings and I’ve made it multiple times since the first time.
So, I’m going to give each Reel Recipe a rating from 0 – 5 with 5 being the best. This Bob’s Burgers recipe is going to get a 4 out of 5. It was really really good. Do you have a favorite recipe that’s from a television show or movie? Let me know what it is in the comments.
Rating: 4/5