Reel Travels Podcast – Visiting the Filming Locations of M*A*S*H

Welcome to Episode 27 of Reel Travels. So did you like the M*A*S*H movie better than the TV show? Do you own all 10 seasons of M*A*S*H on DVD? Can you quote some of the most popular Colonel Potter-isms? Did you like Trapper John better than BJ Honeycutt. Did you prefer Frank Burns or Charles Winchester III? What was your favorite episode? How did you feel about the finale?

Click here to go to the podcast. When it comes to the M*A*S*H movie or television show, there’s so much to talk about! Did you ever want to stand where it was (mostly) filmed? Well, you can do that and in this podcast, we answer all of the questions from above and talk to Brian Rooney of the Malibu Creek State Park in California, where most of the movie and the television show were filmed.

Follow me on Twitter @virgintraveler or on Instagram @thevirgintraveler.

Author: Lisa Iannucci